My Testimony

I have been around the church my entire life, and I have considered myself a Christian since grade school. However, my life took a tremendous change in December 2017 while on a business trip to China. Before this date I relied on my skills, my intelligence, my schooling, and my hard work to ensure that I could be successful at work and in life. It was during this trip that I fully surrendered everything to Jesus Christ, and I allowed myself to fully trust Him to provide for everything. This act of relying on someone greater than myself was huge transformation, and my success at work, at home, and in life changed dramatically. Amazingly, others noticed too, and this has given me a new confidence to share my story and to praise God for all the blessing He has, and He continues to give me.

Depend on the Lord in Whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

Proverbs 16:3 NCV

So, what happened in December to cause such a change:

  • I had a lot of quiet time to read the Bible and reflect on my life
  • I reread, How to Reach Your Life Goals by Peter J Daniels
  • I admitted I needed help and started taking medicine for depression
  • My neighbor and good friend, David Charles, passed away and I was not around to comfort his wife or my family.

I must admit, it was not any one of these things, but rather the sum of many things that the Holy Spirit was doing in the background for some time. In this moment, I simply realized even if I could reach the success I had sought, I still would only be pleasing myself; however, if I could fulfill God’s purpose for my life, I could make a lasting impact in many lives, including my own.

What are you living for?  When you reach the end of your life what impact would it have made? I now live to honor God, and I fully trust He will guide me to fulfill His purpose for me. How amazing it feels to know my life matters, and I am going to make a lasting difference.

Your life matters too… If you want to discuss anything further please contact me anytime and I would love to share my story and learn yours. All the best – Douglas